Tuesday, May 12, 2020

First look: Bonchon in Gaithersburg

Bonchon's newest Montgomery County location looks almost ready to open. The popular fried chicken chain will be at the Market Square development in the Kentlands area of Gaithersburg. When dining-in will be allowed again in Maryland, and under what conditions and policies, we shall soon find out.


  1. Did I miss something earlier. BB reports that the city of Gaithersburg is reviewing a proposal from Amazon for a $92 million distribution center? How long has this been going on? (Pardon the musical reference).

    1. No, there had been no public announcement of who the tenant would be. BB learned it from the Montgomery Newsletter, a vanity publication by local developers which has a hefty annual subscription fee. Insiders are often so boastful of their deals that they will let a secret slip out in that newsletter from time to time. Thus the Amazon Freudian slip.
